3-Person Triangle Game

Tactical Problem:  Finding open space to receive a pass

Skill Development: Receiving the pass and being in shooting position

Teaching Points: 


  • Finding open space to receive a pass.



  • Receiving the pass and being in shooting position.
  • Hands up to receive pass
  • Knees bent
  • Receive ball in position ready to shoot

Triangle game without defender

Triangle game with defender

Organizational Points:
  • Students get into groups of three
  • Find a four cone grid in the gym
  • Person who has ball calls a name in their group
  • Person whose name is called moves to open cone and calls for the ball


  • Students get into groups of four.
  • One person is the defender
  • Person with ball tries to lob ball over the defender using shooting technique
  • Same cues: hands up to receive ball, knees bent, shooting position when student receives ball.
